domingo, 28 de junio de 2009

Hi, today I will talk about my ideal job. I’ve thought many times in it, but I’m not sure about how my ideal job could be.
Anyway, I think that my ideal job would be a job that involves children. I love children, because I think that they’re very sincere and creative. But, I would like to work with a special kind of children; I mean the boys and girls that are more undefended. I think that the children that have been hurt, in any way, we have to worry about them. So, I think that my ideal job involves the most unprotected children in society.
I think, that I can do all of these things in a job related to forensic psychology. But, to be a forensic psychologist isn’t easy. I think that a very important quality that I would need to do this job is grip. Because when a person confront this sad reality, he need mental strength to resolve the problems, and to don’t to become depressed.
In the other hand, I think that the skills that I would need are empathy, clinical knowledge and shrewdness.
I’d like it be good at this job, because I think that I have to do all the things well, whatever it be. Moreover, I think that is very important be good in this job, specially, because we have the happiness and welfare of a lot of persons in our hands.
Finally, I think that isn’t very difficult to find this kind of job, because this is a new area of psychology, and there aren’t a lot of professionals working in these topics.
I hope I can find a job like this!

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My blogging experience

Hi!, today I will talk about my blogging experience.
After eleven blog session, I think that evaluate this activity is a very good idea, because it lets you to improve the subject.I think that it was a very fun activity for many reasons.

Firstly, the blog of the English course, was my first experience with this kind of internet tool. I've never had a blog before, and I think that it’s very useful. Secondly, I think that blog, is a very interesting opportunity to share my thoughts, because I can write about anything, and tell to a lot of people my most crazy ideas. Thirdly, this activity made the English subject more fun and more interactive.I think that this was an activity that I enjoyed, because I think that is more interesting that listen a lot of chairs, it are very boring. Moreover, I hate the CD’s with British pronunciation, because it’s very complicated. Above all, these recordings are very difficult for students like me, that don’t know a lot of English.

Actually, I think that the blog was one of the better ideas that had the English department.

About the advantages of blogging in English class I think that the blog let me learn a lot about vocabulary, grammar, and it enable us develop our creativity. But I think that sometimes the topics of the blog sessions were very boring. Besides, other advantage, is that it let us look for words that we don’t know, and it is good for our learning.

About the disadvantages of blogging in the English class, I think that the most important is that it just enable us practice our writing, but not our listening or speaking. I think that this is wrong, because these things are the weakest areas, for the great majority of students in this course.

I hope that I can remember all the things that I learned in this blog.

viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

Education and creativity

Hi today I’ll talk about a Ken Robinson conference.He thinks that all children have a tremendous talent, and we squander it, in a pretty ruthlessly way. His contention is that creativity is as important in education as any subjectOne of the important things is that children are no frightened of being wrong, Ken Robinson said that if you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up whit anything original.But, in our society we stigmatized the mistakes. And in all countries, we have a national education system where mistakes are the worst thing you can make, we are educating people out of their creativity capacitiesEvery education system in the world have the same hierarchy of subjects. At the top are mathematic and languages, then the humanities and the bottom are the arts.His contention is that when the children grow up, the school educates them progressively from the waist up. He said that public education has the purpose of produce university professors, and they use their bodies like the transport of their heads, they all just have out-of-body experiencesI think that he is right. In Chile, the system education prepares the children for PSU. The school just educates their heads, and it imposes a goal:go to the university, if you can’t, you’re a loser.I hope that someday, the education can be a tool for develop the best things of everyone.
You can find the complete video in:

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Hi! , today I will talk about my favorite subject in this semester. I think that the most interest subject for me have been Community Psychology. In this subject we have three teachers. They are Germán Rozas, Rodolfo Sapiains and Rodrigo Quiroz. They all are very nice, and they are very understanding too. I really like those classes, and I enjoy this subject too.The program of this subject, includes a practical work. To make it, my group had to go to La Legua. I think that this was a very constructive activity for me, because I met the real job of these professionals. Furthermore, I met a reality that exist very close to us.I like it because I think that is an alternative that enable me to make little changes in society. Moreover, I think that it's a more humane approximation of psychology, which makes me possible to be close to people.I think that the most important thing that I have learned this semester has been to know this branch of my discipline. Today I know what kind of tools the psychologist uses in this area, such as the Participatory Action Research. Moreover, I have known the history of this area, which let me understand the perspective that Latin American community psychology has.