sábado, 23 de mayo de 2009

Me in the future

Hi! today I will talk about what I like to be doing 5 years from now.

Professionally, I think that in 5 years I will be working in community psychology. I want to find a job in this area, because it's the most interesting for me. I'd like to work with tinny children, and make a lot of fun and constructive activities for them future.
Actually, I'd like to have two jobs. The first realted with the community psychology. And about the second job, I'd like to work in the family court. This is another area that I like a lot. I like to have a job like family mediator, because I believe it's very important to be a supportive to the families that are suffering.
Personally, I want to be independent. I'd like to live alone, and have my own things. I think that this is a very important goal to me.

I hope that my dreams came true!

sábado, 16 de mayo de 2009

Hi.. today I will talk about the best in my field. I think that one of the of psychology is Donald W. Winnicott. He was an English paediatrician, psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst. He was borned the April 7th, 1896. He has done a lot of contributions to the psychoanalysis theory. For example, in his work with cildren, he developed the concept of transitional experience, waich is the middleground between objective reality and subjective omnipotence. This is a concept that I like a lot because I think that offer a interesting explanation about the familiar inanimate objects that children use when they are tinny, Winnicott said that they use it to stave off anxiety during times of stress. In the picture I show a traditional tansitional object.

Moreover, he created a lot of concepts like true self and false self, good-enough mother and subjective omnipotence.
I like Winnicott because I think that his theory is very interesting, and it emerged from his own experince. So the theory is very solid.

Furthermore, I think that he is the best because he was very innovator, and he was a great psychoterapist.

I hope you like him too ...

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

the psychology.-

Hi! today I will talk about my career.
When I was in the high school, I didn't know what to study. I always thought that I went to study something related to biology, but when I went to the University I realized that this wasn't my area. So I decided to study psychology, because in this profession we work with people of many different age, social condition, pathologies , well a lot of human characteristics, all of them very interesting. Moreover, this discipline has a very huge field of application.
So today I'm studying psychology and I'm in the 3th grade. I really love my career.
I think that the principal contribution of psychology is that it helps to understand the human behavior. This is a very important tool to help people when they are suffering o when they have problems that they can't solve by their self. It's for all this things that a psychologist needs to be strong, and have a high frustration tolerance, because it's a very hard work. Sometimes you need to see the tiny achievements.
Some areas of psychology are: laboral ps., community ps., clinical ps., educational ps. and forensic ps. I really like 3 of these areas, and I don't know which to choose! But I like to work with children, especially when they are in social risk and have troubles, because I think that they need that somebody believes in them.

I hope I can be a psychologist soon!