sábado, 16 de mayo de 2009

Hi.. today I will talk about the best in my field. I think that one of the of psychology is Donald W. Winnicott. He was an English paediatrician, psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst. He was borned the April 7th, 1896. He has done a lot of contributions to the psychoanalysis theory. For example, in his work with cildren, he developed the concept of transitional experience, waich is the middleground between objective reality and subjective omnipotence. This is a concept that I like a lot because I think that offer a interesting explanation about the familiar inanimate objects that children use when they are tinny, Winnicott said that they use it to stave off anxiety during times of stress. In the picture I show a traditional tansitional object.

Moreover, he created a lot of concepts like true self and false self, good-enough mother and subjective omnipotence.
I like Winnicott because I think that his theory is very interesting, and it emerged from his own experince. So the theory is very solid.

Furthermore, I think that he is the best because he was very innovator, and he was a great psychoterapist.

I hope you like him too ...

1 comentario:

  1. Some suggestions
    -"one of the spychologist.."
    -"he was born on april.."
    -"that offers an interesting.."

